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Product Warranty

All products are sold under manufacturer warranty.
Be sure to fill out and return all product warranty registration cards immediately,
and follow the manufacturer's instructions as to product usage and maintenance in order
to insure being able to obtain the manufacturer's warranty in the event of a claim.

Keep your product manual and purchase information in a safe easy to find location - do not lose it!
The warranty in "your product manual" may not reflect what is stated or provided at a later date.
As manufacturers warranties do change over time.

A manufacturers statement of "10 Year Warranty" on a product brochure
does not necessarily mean a 100% coverage for 10 years, this is typically not the case.

Typically the product warranty is limited lifetime & is prorated by product component.

Electrical and electronic components typically are only covered for one year.
Separate time limited warranty coverage is typically provided for castings, heat exchangers, etc.

Most warranties will typically provide the replacement of defective parts only.
It is very rare that a manufacturer will provide a complete product replacement!

Most manufacturers do not provide coverage for:
a) shipping of parts or replacement products
b) labor or travel time required to replace warrantied parts.

Please read the product manufacturers warranty for more complete details.
The products warranty is typically located and described in detail in the owners manual.